
Sunday, July 15, 2012

UK patient needlessly dies of dehydration due to neglect as part of 'backdoor euthanasia' program

Patients admitted under the care of the U.K.'s National Health Service (NHS) are at serious risk of falling victim to the nationalized health system's "backdoor euthanasia" program, which is responsible for inducing death in tens of thousands of patients every single year. One young man admitted to St. George's Hospital in South London, for instance, was literally dehydrated to death by lazy hospital workers in what appears to have been a combination of carelessness and covert euthanasia. Kane Gorny, a 22-year-old footballer and runner who had survived a malignant brain tumor back in 2008, was admitted to St. George's in 2009 for a hip operation caused by drug-induced bone weakness. But he ended up dying a horrific death just days into his stay as hospital staff appear to have either deliberately neglected him, or discreetly placed him on the controversial Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) program, an end-of-life protocol originally intended for terminal patients to help them avoid needless pain and misery during the last few days of their lives. According to the U.K.'s Daily Mail, Kane was an otherwise healthy young man who had been studying to be a locksmith and a cobbler. As long as Kane regularly took medication to regulate his fluid levels -- the radiation and chemotherapy treatments he received for his brain cancer basically destroyed his pituitary gland, which naturally regulates fluid levels -- he was just fine, and was otherwise in full recovery mode. But all that changed once the NHS got its hands on the boy, who was deliberately withheld access to both his medicine and fluids while awaiting surgery at St. George's. According to reports, hospital staff failed to evaluate Kane's charts, and when he begged them to give him a drink because he was dehydrating, they heartlessly ignored him. He eventually called both his mother and the police from his hospital bed in a desperate plea for help. When Kane's mother Rita arrived, she witnessed atrocious treatment of her son by hospital staff, who insisted that the boy was just fine. But Rita observed that not only had her son still not received his vital medicine, but he had also been doped up on sedatives while being withheld access to hydration, two protocols that are linked to the LCP protocol. By the next morning, Kane's lips and tongue had swollen, which prompted his mother to alert nurses about the situation. But once again, they arrogantly ignored her warnings and insisted the boy was just fine. Shortly thereafter, however, a doctor making the rounds noticed Kane's condition and, in a panic, alerted hospital staff to come and tend to him. But it was too late. A few minutes later, Kane died in a pool of his own blood and fluids, and all as a result of nurses refusing to properly hydrate him the day prior, and possibly even several days before that. An otherwise healthy boy, in other words, ended up dying in extreme pain at the hands of the U.K.'s NHS, which appears to have covertly enrolled him in the LCP protocol. Liverpool Care Pathway now commonly used for 'backdoor euthanasia' at NHS hospitals A similar situation occurred the same year to a 98-year-old woman who was admitted to an NHS hospital for an infection. She was quickly put on the LCP protocol, which included denying her access to proper hydration and heavily sedating her. The otherwise active and healthy woman ended up dying within three days of being admitted under NHS care. ( "Under the Liverpool Care Pathway, doctors can withdraw fluids and drugs from patients if they are deemed close to death. Many are then put on continuous sedation so they can die free of pain," explains the Daily Mail. "But sedation can often mask signs of improvement, meaning doctors may be closing the door on people who would otherwise live for months." Source -

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