
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Free your inner beast and devour the joy of living!

Ever feel like life is passing you by, as if you were relegated to the sidelines while everyone else is getting the most out of life? If you are feeling this way, this article was written for you! It's a brief instruction manual for intelligently freeing the part of you that has a lust for living. You will never live fully unless you realize that you are in charge of your life. You call the shots. Translation: You are capable of living the life you want, but first you have to assume responsibility for yourself. The animal within you, waiting to gobble up the joys of this existence, is eager to follow orders! You have got to learn how to take charge. Here is an outline of the process: Step 1: Discover what you really want. This is a difficult one for people who are stuck living someone else's idea of what life is all about. This has got to stop! How will you ever arrive at fulfillment if you do not know what you want? How can you succeed if you don't define success for yourself? How can you be satisfied if you don't know what your tastes are? Are you living your parents' life? Your spouse's life? Your friends' life? No! What stops you from figuring out what you really want? It may be fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of displeasing parents, spouses and friends with your strange ideas. Fear that relationships will be strained if you exert your individuality. Here's the thing: You can manage all that. Take one step at a time. Communicate with loved ones. You don't have to rock the boat, but do you need to set your course. It can be done in tandem with nearly anyone, as long as you are fair about it. Relax. Take it slow, but get going. Step 2: Believe that you are worthy of a joyful life. Too few of us believe we are worthy of the good things in life. You are only as good as you believe you are. Think, believe and act like you deserve to live happily. You cannot attract great things, people and circumstances into your life when you are projecting feelings of worthlessness. If acting as if doesn't cut it, then you may need to delve into the beliefs and feelings that hold you back and work through them with a coach or therapist. Excellent! Don't think you are above needing help or beyond help. This is an landmark opportunity for a breakthrough. It can be done safely and with great consideration of your overall needs. Step 3: Develop an empowering mindset. You need to develop this mindset: If it's going to be, then it's up to me! No one is going to just hand you the keys to the kingdom. You have to be bold enough to know what you want, believe you deserve it and then...act on it! Success is not about having what you want, but getting it. Shoot for something great and you are bound to hit something worthwhile. Most people don't hit anything because they never take a shot. They believe the "timing isn't right yet", or some kind of magical pixie dust will be sprinkled on them by an imaginary fairy. And before they know it, they miss out on the best parts of life! Step 4: Stay open... Ask most people who have achieved lasting success and fulfillment - who have unleashed their inner beast upon life and gotten somewhere wonderful - and they will tell you that they did not arrive where they originally intended. They are somewhere else and it is much better than they could have imagined. This tends to happen because the smartest people stay open to how life responds and how plans need to change and develop along the way. Flexibility is a major part of success. Rigid people quit when things inevitably go differently than expected. Flexible people adjust and keep moving forward! Put these four stages together and you have the foundation for taking charge of your inner wild one, the part of you that can't wait - it's just itching - to get out of that cage. About the author: Get the free mini-course taken by more than 10,000 people, Three Soul Stirring Questions That Reveal your Deepest Goals. Learn more about Mike's down-to-earth life coaching that comes with a lifetime membership to the iNLP Center online school and receive a free life coaching strategy session. Mike Bundrant is the host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program, and the co-founder of the iNLP Center. Source -

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