
Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Beast (Supercomputer)

"Roadrunner" SuperComputer

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Image Source Location: We Are Being Counted The Beast is tracking us - it started around the year 1974. Here's the Scoop: In 1974, a crisis meeting was called in Brussels, by head leaders in the Common Market in Belgium. Concern about economic corruption and chaos in the world was the topic. At this crisis meeting, scientists, advisors and economic analysts gathered, including one - Dr. Hanrick Eldeman. The doctor revealed at this meeting that "The Beast," a 3-story high supercomputer was up and running. The Beast was programmed a certain way so that it became a self-programming (heuristic) supercomputer, and now it is tracking all of us, gathering data through our spending habits. In the near future, we will all be assigned a number to replace our need for credit cards. Eventually, the digits assigned to us will be tattooed or otherwise embedded in our skin to effect an invisible yet permanent mark on either our foreheads or the backs of our hands. This will only be visible under special infrared scanners, and will eliminate many common credit card problems for both credit card holders and credit card companies. In essence, once we are tattooed, we will become walking credit cards, each and every one of us! Dr. Eldeman asserts that allowing the supercomputer to assign numbers in three entries of six digits each, everyone in the world will be marked with and assigned his or her own unique credit card identification number. Think this is a joke? That no computer is capable of counting everyone in the world? Well The Beast is three stories high and has over a hundred data enty sources plugging information into the supercomputer! Day and night. It is a machine, so it never sleeps... Well, That's The Story, Anyway... Notice any hints or symbols from Christian scriptures? Although I've asked this question about Christian scriptures, I don't mean to discount that something similar to what this urban legend tells of is actually part of our "improving technology." This legend surfaced long before computers were as high-tech and wide-spread as they are in the 2000's (it's actually 2010, April as I add this note). In part, this legend may have been a mixture of natural societal fear about exploding development of technology, Christian viewpoints and interpretation on Scriptures, and other societal fears about mechanical and technological machines that have the possibility to harm us...and obvious and great fears that budding technologies and machines will get into the wrong hands of people who will harm the world in general and as a whole via these machines... In my opinion, despite the heavily notable Christian influences within this legend, I think this is a legend that derives from WELL-PLACED FEARS... By 2010, machines and technologies ARE very much harming people, are often in the wrong hands and into the hands of people whose motives in the use of machines are to oppress others and harm them... Some of our technologies are harmful because their amazing functions are underestimated by large groups of people who do not know the capacity that these machines/technologies have that can harm people when not used for good purposes. This story is one urban legend that is coming true - perhaps not in exactly the same way mentioned in the legend, perhaps not with the same motive as stated in the legend but with at least equal harm possible as narrated in the legend.


It's Not Just "Science Fiction" and Urban Legend anymore - it's called BIOMETRICS

Source -

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